use crate::{Error, ThrottleResult, REDIS};
use anyhow::Context;
use mod_redis::{Cmd, FromRedisValue, RedisConnection, Script};
use redis_cell_impl::{time, MemoryStore, Rate, RateLimiter, RateQuota};
use std::sync::{LazyLock, Mutex};
use std::time::Duration;
static MEMORY: LazyLock<Mutex<MemoryStore>> = LazyLock::new(|| Mutex::new(MemoryStore::new()));
static GCRA_SCRIPT: LazyLock<Script> = LazyLock::new(|| {
local key = KEYS[1]
local limit = ARGV[1]
local period = ARGV[2]
local max_burst = ARGV[3]
local quantity = ARGV[4]
local interval = period / limit
local increment = interval * quantity
local burst_offset = interval * max_burst
local now = tonumber("TIME")[1])
local tat ="GET", key)
if not tat then
tat = now
tat = tonumber(tat)
tat = math.max(tat, now)
local new_tat = tat + increment
local allow_at = new_tat - burst_offset
local diff = now - allow_at
local throttled
local reset_after
local retry_after
local remaining = math.floor(diff / interval) -- poor man's round
if remaining < 0 then
throttled = 1
-- calculate how many tokens there actually are, since
-- remaining is how many there would have been if we had been able to limit
-- and we did not limit
remaining = math.floor((now - (tat - burst_offset)) / interval)
reset_after = math.ceil(tat - now)
retry_after = math.ceil(diff * -1)
elseif remaining == 0 and increment <= 0 then
-- request with cost of 0
-- cost of 0 with remaining 0 is still limited
throttled = 1
remaining = 0
reset_after = math.ceil(tat - now)
retry_after = 0 -- retry_after is meaningless when quantity is 0
throttled = 0
reset_after = math.ceil(new_tat - now)
retry_after = 0"SET", key, new_tat, "PX", reset_after)
return {throttled, remaining, reset_after, retry_after, tostring(diff), tostring(interval)}
fn local_throttle(
key: &str,
limit: u64,
period: Duration,
max_burst: u64,
quantity: Option<u64>,
) -> Result<ThrottleResult, Error> {
let mut store = MEMORY.lock().unwrap();
let max_rate = Rate::per_period(
limit as i64,
time::Duration::try_from(period).map_err(|err| Error::Generic(format!("{err:#}")))?,
let mut limiter = RateLimiter::new(
&mut *store,
&RateQuota {
max_burst: max_burst.min(limit - 1) as i64,
let quantity = quantity.unwrap_or(1) as i64;
let (throttled, rate_limit_result) = limiter
.rate_limit(key, quantity)
.map_err(|err| Error::Generic(format!("{err:#}")))?;
let mut retry_after = rate_limit_result.retry_after.whole_seconds();
if rate_limit_result.retry_after.subsec_milliseconds() > 0 {
retry_after += 1
let mut reset_after = rate_limit_result.reset_after.whole_seconds();
if rate_limit_result.reset_after.subsec_milliseconds() > 0 {
reset_after += 1
Ok(ThrottleResult {
limit: rate_limit_result.limit as u64,
remaining: rate_limit_result.remaining as u64,
reset_after: Duration::from_secs(reset_after.max(0) as u64),
retry_after: if retry_after == -1 {
} else {
Some(Duration::from_secs(retry_after.max(0) as u64))
async fn redis_cell_throttle(
conn: &RedisConnection,
key: &str,
limit: u64,
period: Duration,
max_burst: u64,
quantity: Option<u64>,
) -> Result<ThrottleResult, Error> {
let mut cmd = Cmd::new();
let result = conn.query(cmd).await?;
let result = <Vec<i64> as FromRedisValue>::from_redis_value(&result)?;
Ok(ThrottleResult {
throttled: result[0] != 0,
limit: result[1] as u64,
remaining: result[2] as u64,
retry_after: match result[3] {
n if n < 0 => None,
n => Some(Duration::from_secs(n as u64)),
reset_after: Duration::from_secs(result[4].max(0) as u64),
async fn redis_script_throttle(
conn: &RedisConnection,
key: &str,
limit: u64,
period: Duration,
max_burst: u64,
quantity: Option<u64>,
) -> Result<ThrottleResult, Error> {
let mut script = GCRA_SCRIPT.prepare_invoke();
let result = conn
.context("error invoking redis GCRA script")?;
let result =
<(u64, u64, u64, u64, String, String) as FromRedisValue>::from_redis_value(&result)?;
Ok(ThrottleResult {
throttled: result.0 == 1,
limit: max_burst + 1,
remaining: result.1,
retry_after: match result.3 {
n if n <= 0 => None,
n => Some(Duration::from_secs(n.max(0) as u64)),
reset_after: Duration::from_secs(result.2),
pub async fn throttle(
key: &str,
limit: u64,
period: Duration,
max_burst: u64,
quantity: Option<u64>,
force_local: bool,
) -> Result<ThrottleResult, Error> {
match (force_local, REDIS.get()) {
(false, Some(cx)) => match cx.has_redis_cell {
true => redis_cell_throttle(&cx, key, limit, period, max_burst, quantity).await,
false => redis_script_throttle(&cx, key, limit, period, max_burst, quantity).await,
_ => local_throttle(key, limit, period, max_burst, quantity),
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::redis::RedisContext;
use mod_redis::test::RedisServer;
trait Throttler {
async fn throttle(
key: &str,
limit: u64,
period: Duration,
max_burst: u64,
quantity: Option<u64>,
) -> Result<ThrottleResult, Error>;
impl Throttler for Mutex<MemoryStore> {
async fn throttle(
key: &str,
limit: u64,
period: Duration,
max_burst: u64,
quantity: Option<u64>,
) -> Result<ThrottleResult, Error> {
local_throttle(key, limit, period, max_burst, quantity)
struct RedisWithCell(RedisConnection);
impl Throttler for RedisWithCell {
async fn throttle(
key: &str,
limit: u64,
period: Duration,
max_burst: u64,
quantity: Option<u64>,
) -> Result<ThrottleResult, Error> {
redis_cell_throttle(&self.0, key, limit, period, max_burst, quantity).await
struct VanillaRedis(RedisConnection);
impl Throttler for VanillaRedis {
async fn throttle(
key: &str,
limit: u64,
period: Duration,
max_burst: u64,
quantity: Option<u64>,
) -> Result<ThrottleResult, Error> {
redis_script_throttle(&self.0, key, limit, period, max_burst, quantity).await
async fn test_big_limits(
limit: u64,
max_burst: Option<u64>,
permitted_tolerance: f64,
throttler: &impl Throttler,
) {
let period = Duration::from_secs(60);
let max_burst = max_burst.unwrap_or(limit);
let key = format!("test_big_limits-{limit}-{max_burst}");
let mut throttled_iter = None;
for i in 0..limit * 2 {
let result = throttler
.throttle(&key, limit, period, max_burst, None)
if result.throttled {
println!("iter: {i} -> {result:?}");
let throttled_iter = throttled_iter.expect("to hit the throttle limit");
let diff = ((max_burst as f64) - (throttled_iter as f64)).abs();
let tolerance = (max_burst as f64) * permitted_tolerance;
"throttled after {throttled_iter} iterations for \
limit {limit}. diff={diff}. tolerance {tolerance}"
let max_rate = Rate::per_period(limit as i64, time::Duration::try_from(period).unwrap());
println!("max_rate: {max_rate:?}");
diff <= tolerance,
"throttled after {throttled_iter} iterations for \
limit {limit}. diff={diff} is not within tolerance {tolerance}"
async fn basic_throttle_100() {
test_big_limits(100, None, 0.01, &*MEMORY).await;
async fn basic_throttle_1_000() {
test_big_limits(1_000, Some(100), 0.02, &*MEMORY).await;
async fn basic_throttle_6_000() {
test_big_limits(6_000, Some(100), 0.02, &*MEMORY).await;
async fn basic_throttle_60_000() {
test_big_limits(60_000, Some(100), 0.1, &*MEMORY).await;
async fn basic_throttle_60_000_burst_30k() {
test_big_limits(60_000, Some(100), 0.1, &*MEMORY).await;
async fn redis_cell_throttle_1_000() {
if !RedisServer::is_available() {
let redis = RedisServer::spawn("").await.unwrap();
let conn = redis.connection().await.unwrap();
let cx = RedisContext::try_from(conn).await.unwrap();
if !cx.has_redis_cell {
test_big_limits(1_000, None, 0.02, &RedisWithCell(cx.connection)).await;
async fn redis_script_throttle_1_000() {
if !RedisServer::is_available() {
let redis = RedisServer::spawn("").await.unwrap();
let conn = redis.connection().await.unwrap();
let cx = RedisContext::try_from(conn).await.unwrap();
test_big_limits(1_000, None, 0.2, &VanillaRedis(cx.connection)).await;