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GET /api/admin/bounce/v1

Making a GET request to this endpoint allows the system operator to list all currently active administrative bounces that have been configured.

The response is a json structure with the following format:

    "id": "169c3dc0-6518-41ef-bfbb-1f0ae426cb32",
    "campaign": null,
    "tenant": null,
    "domain": null,
    "reason": "purge",
    "duration": "4m 50s 207ms 320us 231ns",
    "bounced": {
      "": 1
    "total_bounced": 1

Each entry of the array shows the bounce entry and its matching criteria, along with an id that can be used to cancel the entry, the map of queue name to the number of bounced messages and the overall number of bounced messages.

The remaining duration of the entry is also included.

Kumo CLI

In addition to making raw API requests, you may use the kumo CLI:

$ kcli --endpoint bounce-list
    "id": "169c3dc0-6518-41ef-bfbb-1f0ae426cb32",
    "campaign": null,
    "tenant": null,
    "domain": null,
    "reason": "purge",
    "duration": "4m 50s 207ms 320us 231ns",
    "bounced": {
      "": 1
    "total_bounced": 1

Run kcli bounce-list --help for more informtion.