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KumoMTA Architecture

KumoMTA was built with large-scale sending in mind. Here are a few key ideas that shape the implementation:

  • Designed for modern multi-core, multi-threaded systems - Built on top of Tokio, the core IO scheduler will use all available parallelism.
  • High Performance spool - We recommend using the RocksDB based spool for a combination of in-memory buffering, write-ahead logging and asynchronous data flushing that enable the best performance while minimizing the risk of low-durability deferred spooling solutions.
  • Advanced Queueing - KumoMTA has first-class support for queuing based on the combination of tenant, campaign and destination site. Having separate queues make it easier to see and manage your traffic.
  • Native MX Rollup - The Destination Site concept makes it easier to shape traffic to big receiving sites that provide service for many domains. Rather than shaping based on just the domain name, KumoMTA will traverse the MX records for the destination and use that information as the basis for shaping. As a result, KumoMTA sees all G-suite hosted domains as going to the same destination without requiring any static configuration. The same approach works for any domains that share identical MX records, not just G-suite.
  • Powerful Configuration - No limiting, bespoke, domain-specific configuration files here! KumoMTA embeds the Lua language to express both declarative configuration as well as enable you to express more advanced configuration to match your policy or setup.
  • Composable and logical extensibility - There are very few implicit behaviors or actions, and those that exist are easy to control or disable. This design principle means that new features can be delivered as new functions or new modules that you can trigger from your policy configuration if you wish to use them.