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kumo.on('smtp_server_auth_plain', function(authz, authc, password, conn_meta))

Called by the ESMTP server in response to the client issuing an "AUTH PLAIN" authentication attempt.

KumoMTA will only allow AUTH PLAIN once STARTTLS has been successfully enabled for the session.

At the time of writing KumoMTA doesn't provide a general authentication solution, but through the use of this callback, you have some flexibility.

The event handler receives the following parameters:

  • authz - the authorization identity which the client wishes to act as
  • authc - the authentication identity which identifies the client for the purposes of validating who the client claims to be. authc is paired with the password parameter.
  • password - the password which belongs to the claimed authc
  • conn_meta - represents the connection metadata and can be used to share state between the various SMTP listener event handlers. See Connection Metadata for more information.

Since: Version 2023.08.22-4d895015

The functionality described in this outlined box requires version 2023.08.22-4d895015 of KumoMTA, or a more recent version.

The conn_metadata parameter is new as of this release.

Note that PLAIN SASL allows for authz to be empty. KumoMTA will assume the same value as authc in that case, so this event will always be triggered with that value.

The SMTP server expects the event handler to return a bool value; if it returns true then it considers the credentials to be valid and will associated the claimed identities with the session, and yield an SMTP 235 successful authentication response to the client. The authz and authc parameters will be set in the message meta object as "authz_id" and "authn_id" respectively.

If it returns false then the authentication attempt is considered to have failed and will yield an SMTP 535 failed authentication response to the client.

This example shows how to implement a very simple inline password database using a lua table:

-- Use this to lookup and confirm a user/password credential
kumo.on('smtp_server_auth_plain', function(authz, authc, password, conn_meta)
  local password_database = {
    ['scott'] = 'tiger',
  if password == '' then
    return false
  return password_database[authc] == password