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kumo.configure_local_logs {PARAMS}

Enables local logging of reception and delivery events to the specified log_dir directory.

Logs are written as zstd-compressed log file segments under the specified directory. Each line of the file is a JSON object holding information about a reception or delivery related event. The format of the Log Record object can be found here.

This function should be called only from inside your init event handler.

kumo.on('init', function()
  kumo.configure_local_logs {
    log_dir = '/var/log/kumo-logs',

PARAMS is a lua table that can accept the keys listed below:


Maximum number of outstanding items to be logged before the submission will block; helps to avoid runaway issues spiralling out of control.

kumo.configure_local_logs {
  -- ..
  back_pressure = 128000,


Specifies the level of zstd compression that should be used. Compression cannot be disabled.

Specifying 0 uses the zstd default compression level, which is 3 at the time of writing.

Possible values are 1 (cheapest, lightest) through to 21.

kumo.configure_local_logs {
  -- ..
  compression_level = 3,


Since: Version 2023.11.28-b5252a41

The functionality described in this section requires version 2023.11.28-b5252a41 of KumoMTA, or a more recent version.

Optional string. If provided, specifies the name of an event that should be triggered to decide whether logs for a given message should be included in this instance of local file logging.

The event will be passed the message that is being considered for logging purposes. The goal of the event is to return true if logging should proceed or false otherwise.

You may access the message metadata to make that decision.

kumo.on('init', function()
  -- We only want logs for messages accepted via SMTP to land here
  kumo.configure_local_logs {
    log_dir = '/var/log/kumo-logs-smtp',
    filter_event = 'should_log_to_smtp_logs',

  -- We want all other logs to land here
  kumo.configure_local_logs {
    log_dir = '/var/log/kumo-logs-other',
    filter_event = 'should_log_to_other',

kumo.on('should_log_to_smtp_logs', function(msg)
  return msg:get_meta 'reception_protocol' == 'ESMTP'

kumo.on('should_log_to_other', function(msg)
  return msg:get_meta 'reception_protocol' ~= 'ESMTP'


Specify a list of message headers to include in the logs. The default is empty.

kumo.configure_local_logs {
  -- ..
  headers = { 'Subject' },

Since: Version 2023.12.28-63cde9c7

The functionality described in this outlined box requires version 2023.12.28-63cde9c7 of KumoMTA, or a more recent version.

Header names can now use simple wildcard suffixes; if the last character of the header name is * then it will match any string with that prefix. For example "X-*" will match any header names that start with "X-".


Specifies the directory into which log file segments will be written. This is a required key; there is no default value.

kumo.configure_local_logs {
  -- ..
  log_dir = '/var/log/kumo-logs',


Specify how many uncompressed bytes to allow per file segment. When this number is exceeded, the current segment is finished and a new segment is created.

Segments are created using the current time in the form YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS so that it is easy to sort the segments in chronological order.

The default value is ~1GB of uncompressed data, which compresses down to around 50MB of data per segment with the default compression settings.

kumo.configure_local_logs {
  -- ..
  max_file_size = 1000000000,


Specify the maximum time period for a file segment. The default is unlimited.

If you set this to "1min", you indicate that any given file should cover a time period of 1 minute in duration; when that time period elapses, the current file segment, if any, will be flushed and closed and any subsequent events will cause a new file segment to be created.

kumo.configure_local_logs {
  -- ..
  max_segment_duration = '5 minutes',


Specify a list of message meta fields to include in the logs. The default is empty.

kumo.configure_local_logs {
  -- ..
  meta = { 'my-meta-1' },


Allows configuring per-record type logging.

kumo.configure_local_logs {
  per_record = {
    Reception = {
      -- use names like "20230306-022811_recv" for reception logs
      suffix = '_recv',

    Delivery = {
      -- put delivery logs in a different directory
      log_dir = '/var/log/kumo/delivery',

    TransientFailure = {
      -- Don't log transient failures
      enable = false,

    Bounce = {
      -- Instead of logging the json record, evaluate this
      -- template string and log the result.
      template = [[Bounce! id={{ id }}, from={{ sender }} code={{ response.code }} age={{ timestamp - created }}]],

    -- For any record type not explicitly listed, apply these settings.
    -- This effectively turns off all other log records
    Any = {
      enable = false,

The keys of the per_record table must correspond to one of the record types listed below, or the special Any key which can be used to match any record type that was not explicitly listed. The values of the per_record table are LogRecordParams have the following fields and values:

  • suffix - a string to append to the generated segment file name. For example, suffix = '.csv' will generate names like 20230306-022811.csv.
  • log_dir - specify an alternative log directory for this type
  • enable - defaults to true. If you set it to false, records of this type will not be logged
  • segment_header - ((Since: Version 2023.11.28-b5252a41)) text that will be written out to each newly opened segment file. Useful for emitting eg: a CSV header line.
  • template - the template to use to format the log line. Continue reading below for more information.

The Mini Jinja templating engine is used to evalute logging templates. The full supported syntax is documented here.

The JSON log record fields shown in the section below are assigned as template variables, so using {{ id }} in your log template will be substituted with the id field from the log record section below.

To reference headers in a template, note that the header name is transformed to lowercase as part of adding it to the headers object, so to access a header named X-FooBar you would use {{ headers['x-foobar'] }} in your template.

Since: Version 2023.11.28-b5252a41

The functionality described in this outlined box requires version 2023.11.28-b5252a41 of KumoMTA, or a more recent version.

You may now use log_record to reference the entire log record, which is useful if you want to replicate the default json representation of the log record for an individual record type.

You might wish to use something like the following:

per_record = {
    Feedback = {
        template = [[{{ log_record | tojson }}]]

Log Record

The format of the Log Record object can be found here.