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kumo.start_esmtp_listener {PARAMS}

Configure and start ESMTP service.

This function should be called only from inside your init event handler.

PARAMS is a lua table that can accept the keys listed below.

To listen on multiple IP/port combinations, simply call kump.start_esmtp_listener multiple times with the appropriate parameters.

kumo.on('init', function()
  -- use the same settings for ports 25 and 2026, without repeating them all
  for _, port in ipairs { 25, 2026 } do
    kumo.start_esmtp_listener {
      listen = '0:' .. tostring(port),
      relay_hosts = { '' },

Customize the banner that is returned to clients when they first connect. The configured hostname will be automatically prepended to this text, so you should not include a hostname.

kumo.start_esmtp_listener {
  -- ..
  banner = 'Welcome to KumoMTA!',


Controls the timeout used when reading data from the client. If no data arrives within the specified timeout, the server will close the connection to the client.

kumo.start_esmtp_listener {
  -- The default is 1 minute
  client_timeout = '1 minute',


Specified the size of the buffer used to read chunks of the message payload during the DATA phase of the SMTP transaction. Making this larger will improve the throughput in terms of bytes-per-syscall at the expense of using more RAM.

The default size is 128KB (128 * 1024). If your average message size is significantly larger than the default, then you may wish to increase this value.



Enabling this option may result in loss of accountability for messages. You should satisfy yourself that your system is able to recognize and deal with that scenario if/when it arises.

When set to true, incoming messages are retained in memory until after their first transient delivery failure.

This can have a dramatic impact on throughput by removing local storage I/O as a bottleneck, but introduces a risk of forgetting about those messages if the machine loses power or if the kumod process exits unexpectedly.

kumo.start_esmtp_listener {
  -- ..
  deferred_spool = false,


Specifies the hostname to report in the banner and other SMTP responses. The default, if unspecified, is to use the hostname of the local machine.

kumo.start_esmtp_listener {
  -- ..
  hostname = '',


Since: Version 2023.11.28-b5252a41

The functionality described in this outlined box requires version 2023.11.28-b5252a41 of KumoMTA, or a more recent version.

Specifies the behavior when the received DATA contains invalid line endings. The SMTP protocol requires that each line of the DATA be separated by canonical CRLF sequences. Immediately after receiving the DATA payload, but before any other policy events are triggered, if the received DATA is non-conforming the value of this parameter is checked to determine what to do. It has three possible values:

  • "Deny" - this is the default. The incoming message will be rejected.
  • "Allow" - The incoming message will be accepted. Depending on the configured policy, some later policy actions may fail to parse the message, and DKIM signatures may be created that are not possible to validate correctly. There is no guarantee that any resulting message will be routable to its intended destination.
  • "Fix" - the line endings will be normalized to CRLF and the message will be accepted. It's possible for this to invalidate any signatures that may have already been present in the message.


Since: Version 2023.11.28-b5252a41

The functionality described in this outlined box requires version 2023.11.28-b5252a41 of KumoMTA, or a more recent version.

The SMTP protocol specification defines the maximum length of a line in the protocol. The limit exists because there are SMTP implementations that are simply not capable of reading longer lines.

This option sets the limit on line length that is enforced by KumoMTA. The default matches the RFC specified limit of 998. When the line length limit is exceeded, KumoMTA will return a "line too long" error to the client.

You can raise this limit, but doing so may allow messages to be accepted that will be unable to be relayed to other SMTP implementations.


Specifies the local IP and port number to which the ESMTP service should bind and listen.

Use to bind to all IPv4 addresses.

kumo.start_esmtp_listener {
  listen = '',


Specifies the maximum number of consecutive MAIL FROM commands that can be issued for a given SMTP connection. When the limit is reached, transient failures will be returned to those additional MAIL FROM commands.

kumo.start_esmtp_listener {
  max_messages_per_connection = 10000,


Specifies the maximum size of a message that can be relayed through this listener, in bytes.

The default is 20 MB (20 * 1024 * 1024).

Messages exceeding this size will be rejected.


Specifies the maximum number of consecutive RCPT TO commands that can be issued for a given SMTP transaction. When the limit is reached, transient failures will be returned to those additional RCPT TO commands.

kumo.start_esmtp_listener {
  max_recipients_per_message = 1024,


Specify the hosts which are allowed to relay email via this ESMTP service. Each item can be an IP literal or a CIDR mask. Note that the CIDR notation is strict, so that is valid but is not because that final octet isn’t valid in a /24.

The defaults are to allow relaying only from the local host:

kumo.start_esmtp_listener {
  -- ..
  relay_hosts = { '', '::1' },


Specify the path to a TLS certificate file to use for the server identity when the client issues STARTTLS.

The default, if unspecified, is to dynamically allocate a self-signed certificate.

kumo.start_esmtp_listener {
  -- ..
  tls_certificate = '/path/to/cert.pem',

You may specify that the certificate be loaded from a HashiCorp Vault:

kumo.start_esmtp_listener {
  -- ..
  tls_certificate = {
    vault_mount = 'secret',
    vault_path = 'tls/',

    -- Specify how to reach the vault; if you omit these,
    -- values will be read from $VAULT_ADDR and $VAULT_TOKEN

    -- vault_address = ""
    -- vault_token = "hvs.TOKENTOKENTOKEN"

The key must be stored as key (even though this is a certificate!) under the path specified. For example, you might populate it like this:

$ vault kv put -mount=secret tls/


Specify the path to the TLS private key file that corresponds to the tls_certificate.

The default, if unspecified, is to dynamically allocate a self-signed certificate.

kumo.start_esmtp_listener {
  -- ..
  tls_private_key = '/path/to/key.pem',

You may specify that the key be loaded from a HashiCorp Vault:

kumo.start_esmtp_listener {
  -- ..
  tls_private_key = {
    vault_mount = 'secret',
    vault_path = 'tls/',

    -- Specify how to reach the vault; if you omit these,
    -- values will be read from $VAULT_ADDR and $VAULT_TOKEN

    -- vault_address = ""
    -- vault_token = "hvs.TOKENTOKENTOKEN"

The key must be stored as key under the path specified. For example, you might populate it like this:

$ vault kv put -mount=secret tls/


Controls the addition of tracing headers to received messages.

KumoMTA can add two different headers to aid in later tracing:

  • The standard "Received" header which captures SMTP relay hops on their path to the inbox
  • A supplemental header which can be used to match feedback reports back to the originating mailing

Prior to triggering the smtp_server_message_received event the standard "Received" header will be added to the message. Then, once the event completes and your policy has had the opportunity to alter the meta data associated with the message, the supplemental header will be added.

kumo.start_esmtp_listener {
  -- ..
  trace_headers = {
    -- this is the default: add the Received: header
    received_header = true,

    -- this is the default: add the supplemental header
    supplemental_header = true,

    -- this is the default: the name of the supplemental header
    header_name = 'X-KumoRef',

    -- names of additional meta data fields
    -- to include in the header. TAKE CARE! The header will be
    -- base64 encoded to prevent casual introspection, but the
    -- header is NOT encrypted and the values of the meta data
    -- fields included here should be considered to be public.
    -- The default is not to add any meta data fields, but you
    -- might consider setting something like:
    -- include_meta_names = { 'tenant', 'campaign' },
    include_meta_names = {},

Here's an example of a supplemental header from a message:

X-KumoRef: eyJfQF8iOiJcXF8vIiwicmVjaXBpZW50IjoidGVzdEBleGFtcGxlLmNvbSJ9

the decoded payload contains a magic marker key as well as the recipient of the original message:


Any meta data fields that were listed in include_meta_names, if the corresponding meta data was set in the message, would also be captured in the decoded payload.

KumoMTA will automatically extract this supplemental trace header information from any X- header that is successfully parsed and has the magic marker key when processing the original message payload of an incoming ARF report.