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Routing Messages via Kafka

Since: Version 2023.12.28-63cde9c7

The functionality described in this section requires version 2023.12.28-63cde9c7 of KumoMTA, or a more recent version.

In addition to local logging and Webhooks, KumoMTA can relay log events (or other queued messages) via Apache Kafka.

KumoMTA supports publishing via Kafka, using Lua.

The process to queue log events and make them available for sending via custom_lua as a protocol is covered in the Publishing Log Events Via Webhooks section of the Operations chapter of the User Guide.

Configuring A Queue Handler for Kafka

When a message is ready to be queued, the get_queue_config event is fired, at which point we can specify the protocol of the queue, in this case, custom_lua. In the example below, we check whether the message is queued to the kafka queue and acts accordingly:

kumo.on('get_queue_config', function(domain, tenant, campaign, routing_domain)
  if domain == 'kafka' then
    -- Use the `make.webhook` event to handle delivery
    -- of webhook log records
    return kumo.make_queue_config {
      protocol = {
        custom_lua = {
          -- this will cause an event called `make.webhook` to trigger.
          -- You can pick any name for this event, so long as it doesn't
          -- collide with a pre-defined event, and so long as you bind
          -- to it with a kumo.on call
          constructor = 'make.kafka',
  return kumo.make_queue_config {}

Sending Messages via Kafka

With the custom_lua protocol defined and a custom event trigger declared, the next step is to catch the make.kafka event with code that sends the message contents over HTTP.

The following example sends the content of the log message via Kafka:

-- This is a user-defined event that matches up to the custom_lua
-- constructor used in `get_queue_config` below.
-- It returns a lua connection object that can be used to "send"
-- messages to their destination.
kumo.on('make.kafka', function(domain, tenant, campaign)
  local producer = kumo.kafka.build_producer {
    ['bootstrap.servers'] = 'localhost:9092',

  producer:send {
    topic = 'my.topic',
    payload = message:get_data(),
    -- how long to keep trying to submit to kafka
    -- before a lua error will be raised.
    -- This is the default.
    timeout = '1 minute',

See the Kafka section of the Reference Manual for more information.