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Constructs an HTTP client object.

The client maintains state, including a connection pool, that can be used across multiple HTTP requests.

PARAMS is an object-style table with the following keys:

  • user_agent - optional string that will be used to set the User-Agent header for all requests made by the client
  • connection_verbose - optional boolean. If true, additional diagnostics around the connection attempt will be logged and can be seen by setting the diagnostic filter to include reqwest=trace. (Since: Version 2024.06.10-84e84b89)
  • pool_idle_timeout - optional duration. Sets the maximum time that an idle connection remains in the connection pool. The default is 90 seconds. (Since: Version 2024.06.10-84e84b89).
  • timeout - optional duration. Sets the default timeout to use for each request made by the client. Can be overridden using the Request object. The default is 60 seconds. (Since: Version 2024.06.10-84e84b89).
local response = kumo.http.build_client({}):get(''):send()
print(response:status_code(), response:status_reason())
for k, v in pairs(response:headers()) do
  print('Header', k, v)

Client Methods

The returned client object has the following methods:


Returns a Request object that has been configured to make a GET request to the specified URL. The URL is a string.


Returns a Request object that has been configured to make a POST request to the specified URL. The URL is a string.


Returns a Request object that has been configured to make a PUT request to the specified URL. The URL is a string.


Since: Dev Builds Only

The functionality described in this section requires a dev build of KumoMTA. You can obtain a dev build by following the instructions in the Installation section.

Explicitly destroy the client, closing any connections in its cache.