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KeySource Object

KeySource objects are used in several places:

  • Embedded into DKIM signer objects.
  • The tls_certificate and tls_key fields of listeners.
  • To hold credentials for SMTP AUTH.
  • With the kumo.secrets.load function.

Acceptable Values

KeySources pattern match from one of the following shapes:

Local File

When the value is a simple string value, it is interpreted as the path to a file from which the key will be loaded when needed:

local file_signer = kumo.dkim.rsa_sha256_signer {
  key = '/path/to/file.pem',

Caller Provided Data

When the value is a table with the field key_data, the value of the key_data field will be used as the key data when needed:

local file_signer = kumo.dkim.rsa_sha256_signer {
  key = {
    -- Doing literally this is probably unwise;
    -- see the example below for a more practical
    -- and manageable way to use this
    key_data = '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----....',

key_data exists to allow you to manage loading key data via some other lua function, for example, you could load your keys from a sqlite database:

function get_key(domain, selector)
  local db = sqlite:open '/opt/kumomta/etc/dkim/keys.db'
  local result = db:execute(
    'select data from keys where domain=? and selector=?',
  return result[1]

local sqlite_signer = kumo.dkim.rsa_sha256_signer {
  key = {
    key_data = get_key(msg:from_header().domain, 'default'),

HashiCorp Vault

You may store and manage your keys in a HashiCorp Vault:

local vault_signer = kumo.dkim.rsa_sha256_signer {
  key = {
    vault_mount = 'secret',
    vault_path = 'dkim/' .. msg:from_header().domain,

    -- Specify how to reach the vault; if you omit these,
    -- values will be read from $VAULT_ADDR and $VAULT_TOKEN
    -- Note that these environment vars must be accessible
    -- by the kumod user.  If using systemd, edit the systemd
    -- service file. [Look here](docs/tutorial/using_vault/) for more information

    -- vault_address = ""
    -- vault_token = "hvs.TOKENTOKENTOKEN"

The key must be stored as key under the path specified. For example, you might populate it like this:

$ vault kv put -mount=secret dkim/ key=@example-private-dkim-key.pem