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kumo.make_egress_source {PARAMS}

Defines an egress source, which is an entity associated with the source of outbound traffic from the MTA. A source must be referenced by a pool to be useful.

This function is intended to be used inside your get_egress_source event handler.

A source must have at a minimum a name, which will be used in logging/reporting.

PARAMS is a lua table which may have the following keys:


Required string.

The name of the source.

kumo.on('get_egress_source', function(source_name)
  -- Make a source that just has the requested name, but otherwise doesn't
  -- specify any particular source configuration
  return kumo.make_egress_source {
    name = source_name,


Optional string.

If set, specifies the local IP address that should be used as the source of any connection that will be made from this source.

If not specified, the kernel will select the IP address automatically.

kumo.on('get_egress_source', function(source_name)
  if source_name == 'ip-1' then
    -- Make a source that will emit from
    return kumo.make_egress_source {
      name = 'ip-1',
      source_address = '',
  error 'you need to do something for other source names'


When using HA Proxy, the source_address will be used when connecting to the proxy. You should use ha_proxy_source_address to specify the actual address to use from the HA Proxy instance to the destination.


Optional string.

If set, specifies the hostname to be passed with the EHLO command when the server connects to a remote host.

If not specified, the kernel will use the server's hostname.

Note that the ehlo_domain set by make_egress_path, if any, takes precedence over this value.

kumo.on('get_egress_source', function(source_name)
  if source_name == 'ip-1' then
    -- Make a source that will emit from
    kumo.make_egress_source {
      name = 'ip-1',
      source_address = '',
      ehlo_domain = '',
  error 'you need to do something for other source names'


Optional integer.

If set, will override the remote SMTP port number. This is useful in scenarios where your network is set to manage the egress address based on port mapping.

This option takes precedence over kumo.make_egress_path().smtp_port.


Optional string.

If both ha_proxy_server and ha_proxy_source_address are specified, then SMTP connections will be made via an HA Proxy server.

ha_proxy_server specifies the address and port of the proxy server.

kumo.on('get_egress_source', function(source_name)
  if source_name == 'ip-1' then
    -- Make a source that will emit from, via a proxy server
    kumo.make_egress_source {
      name = 'ip-1',
      ha_proxy_source_address = '',
      ha_proxy_server = '',
      ehlo_domain = '',
  error 'you need to do something for other source names'


Optional string.

Specifies the source address that the HA Proxy server should use when initiating a connection.


The HA Proxy protocol doesn't provide a mechanism for reporting whether binding to this address was successful. From the perspective of KumoMTA, invalid proxy configuration will appear as a timeout with no additional context. We recommend using SOCKS5 instead of HA proxy, as the SOCKS5 protocol is better suited for outbound connections.


Since: Version 2023.06.22-51b72a83

The functionality described in this section requires version 2023.06.22-51b72a83 of KumoMTA, or a more recent version.

Optional string.

If both socks5_proxy_server and socks5_proxy_source_address are specified, then SMTP connections will be made via a SOCKS5 Proxy server.

socks5_proxy_server specifies the address and port of the proxy server.

kumo.on('get_egress_source', function(source_name)
  if source_name == 'ip-1' then
    -- Make a source that will emit from, via a proxy server
    kumo.make_egress_source {
      name = 'ip-1',
      socks5_proxy_source_address = '',
      socks5_proxy_server = '',
      ehlo_domain = '',
  error 'you need to do something for other source names'


Since: Version 2023.06.22-51b72a83

The functionality described in this section requires version 2023.06.22-51b72a83 of KumoMTA, or a more recent version.

Optional string.

Specifies the source address that the SOCKS5 Proxy server should use when initiating a connection.


Optional time-to-live specifying how long the source definition should be cached. The cache has two purposes:

  • To limit the number of configurations kept in memory at any one time
  • To enable data to be refreshed from external storage, such as a json data file, or a database

The default TTL is 60 seconds, but you can specify any duration using a string like "5 mins" to specify 5 minutes.