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Since: Version 2023.08.22-4d895015

The functionality described in this section requires version 2023.08.22-4d895015 of KumoMTA, or a more recent version.

This function will load traffic shaping data from the list of filenames or HTTP/HTTPS URLs that is passed to it.

For example, in the tsa-daemon configuration, you might use it like this:

kumo.on('tsa_load_shaping_data', function()
  local shaping = cached_load_shaping_data {
    -- This is the default file used by the shaping helper
    -- in KumoMTA, which references the community shaping rules

    -- and maybe you have your own rules
  return shaping

Shaping Data Format

If a given path ends with .toml, it will be interpreted as TOML. Otherwise, it will be interpreted as JSON.

This documentation uses TOML as it is a bit more friendly for humans to read and write.

Shaping data is considered as an ordered series of shaping configuration files, where successive files layer and merge over earlier files.

Domains and Merging

Each file contains information keyed by the destination domain name.

The values in a domain section must be valid values for kumo.make_egress_path, with a couple of special additional values indicated below.

The special domain name "default" is used to define common, shared values, used as the basis for every domain.

In this example, connection_limit and enable_tls are set for every domain. However, when sending to, its connection_limit of 100 will override the 10 from the default section, and it will also use the enable_tls value from the default section; the values are merged together:

connection_limit = 10
enable_tls = "Opportunistic"

connection_limit = 100
  "default": {
    "connection_limit": 10,
    "enable_tls": "Opportunistic",
  "": {
    "connection_limit": 100,

Specifying the same domain in separate files will also merge the configuration, which allows us to share community-provided base rules that you can then choose to override without replacing everything for that domain.

However, if you want to completely replace the information for a domain, you can indicate that by using replace_base = true:

# Discard any other `` rules provided by earlier files
replace_base = true
connection_limit = 10
  "": {
    // Discard any other `` rules provided by earlier files
    "replace_base": true,
    "connection_limit": 10,

replace_base is only meaningful in the context of the current domain section in the current file; subsequent sections for that same domain will continue to merge in as normal, unless they also use replace_base.

MX Rollup

By default, the shaping rules associated with a domain are applied to the site_name that is constructed from the list of MX hosts in DNS for that domain. That allows the rules to apply to every domain that uses a shared set of MXs, for example, every G-Suite hosted domain will share rules.

For some domains this may not be desirable; in this situations you can prevent the rule from using the site_name by setting mx_rollup = false:

mx_rollup = false
  "": {
    "mx_rollup": false,

Per-Source Rules

You can provide a list of source-specific rules like this:

["".sources."my source name"]
connection_limit = 5
  "": {
    "sources": {
      "my source name": {
        "connection_limit": 5,

The section is named in the format DOMAIN.sources.SOURCE. Both the DOMAIN and the SOURCE must be quoted using double-quotes in order for the structure to be correct.

Traffic Shaping Automation Rules

The shaping data can include automation rules that will be evaluated by the optional tsa-daemon process.

Here's an example that defines policy for

max_deliveries_per_connection = 20

regex = "\\[TS04\\]"
action = "Suspend"
duration = "2 hours"
  "": {
    "max_deliveries_per_connection": 20,
    "automation": [
        "regex": "\\[TS04\\]",
        "action": "Suspend",
        "duration": "2 hours",

In TOML, the [[DOMAIN.automation]] syntax appends an additional entry to the list of automation rules in DOMAIN.

This particular rule uses a regex to look for [TS04] in the delivery status responses from yahoo, and when it matches, the action taken is to suspend delivery to from the triggering source. Other sources will be handled independently.

The following fields are possible in an automation rule:

  • regex - required string, the regular expression used to match the rule. Supported Regex Syntax is documented here
  • action - required action to take. Can be one of:
    • "Suspend" - Suspend delivery
    • {SetConfig{name="NAME", value="VALUE"}} - define a configuration override that sets NAME=VALUE.
  • trigger - optional. Can be one of:
    • "Immediate" - this is the default. The action is taken each time a regex matches.
    • {Threshold="10/hr"} - defines a threshold; the action won't trigger in this case until 10 events have occurred in the preceding hour.
  • duration - required string specifying the duration of the effects of the action.
Since: Version 2024.06.10-84e84b89

The functionality described in this section requires version 2024.06.10-84e84b89 of KumoMTA, or a more recent version.

The following new actions are now supported:

  • "SuspendTenant" - Generate a suspension for all scheduled queues that have both the tenant and the destination domain of the triggering record. If no tenant was assigned, this action has no effect.
  • "SuspendCampaign" - Generate a suspension for all scheduled queues that have both the tenant, campaign and the destination domain of the triggering record. If no tenant was assigned, this action has no effect. If no campaign was assigned, behave as though "SuspendTenant" was the action.