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GET /metrics.json

Exports various counters, gauges and other metrics in a JSON format loosely derived from the Prometheus Text Exposition Format.

Access to this endpoint requires Trusted IP authentication. HTTP authentication is not permitted.

See also metrics.

Example data

Here's an example of the shape of the data. The precise set of counters will vary as we continue to enhance KumoMTA.

  "connection_count": {
    "help": "number of active connections",
    "type": "gauge",
    "value": {
      "service": {
        "esmtp_listener": 0.0,
        "smtp_client": 0.0,
        "smtp_client:source2->": 0.0
  "scheduled_count": {
    "help": "number of messages in the scheduled queue",
    "type": "gauge",
    "value": {
      "queue": {
        "": 0.0
  "lua_count": {
    "help": "the number of lua contexts currently alive",
    "type": "gauge",
    "value": 1.0
  "lua_load_count": {
    "help": "how many times the policy lua script has been loaded into a new context",
    "type": "counter",
    "value": 1.0
  "lua_spare_count": {
    "help": "the number of lua contexts available for reuse in the pool",
    "type": "gauge",
    "value": 1.0
  "memory_limit": {
    "help": "soft memory limit measured in bytes",
    "type": "gauge",
    "value": 101234377728.0
  "memory_usage": {
    "help": "number of bytes of used memory",
    "type": "gauge",
    "value": 185683968.0
  "message_count": {
    "help": "total number of Message objects",
    "type": "gauge",
    "value": 1.0
  "message_data_resident_count": {
    "help": "total number of Message objects with body data loaded",
    "type": "gauge",
    "value": 1.0
  "message_meta_resident_count": {
    "help": "total number of Message objects with metadata loaded",
    "type": "gauge",
    "value": 1.0
  "ready_count": {
    "help": "number of messages in the ready queue",
    "type": "gauge",
    "value": {
      "service": {
        "smtp_client:source1->": 46.0,
        "smtp_client:source2->": 152.0,
  "total_connection_count": {
    "help": "total number of active connections ever made",
    "type": "counter",
    "value": {
      "service": {
        "smtp_client": 0.0,
        "smtp_client:source2->": 0.0
  "total_messages_delivered": {
    "help": "total number of messages ever delivered",
    "type": "counter",
    "value": {
      "service": {
        "smtp_client": 0.0,
        "smtp_client:source2->": 0.0
  "total_messages_fail": {
    "help": "total number of message delivery attempts that permanently failed",
    "type": "counter",
    "value": {
      "service": {
        "smtp_client": 0.0,
        "smtp_client:source2->": 0.0
  "total_messages_transfail": {
    "help": "total number of message delivery attempts that transiently failed",
    "type": "counter",
    "value": {
      "service": {
        "smtp_client": 0.0,
        "smtp_client:source2->": 0.0