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Configuring HTTP Listeners

An HTTP listener can be defined with a kumo.start_http_listener function. In the example below you can see the definition of IP address, Port, and specific trusted hosts that are permitted to to use that listener.

Each listener can have its own trust list, hostname and TLS settings.

kumo.start_http_listener {
  listen = '',
  -- allowed to access any http endpoint without additional auth
  trusted_hosts = { '', '::1' },
  use_tls = true,

Refer to the Reference Manual for detailed options.

What can you use the HTTP listener for?

Aside from injecting messages using the Inject API, you can also perform arbitrary administrative bounces, and collect detailed metrics. A list of HTTP API functions exists here.

Configuring for HTTPS

The HTTP listener can easily be secured with TLS by adding the TLS directives and a certificate to the configuration. Below is an example of an HTTPS configuration.

kumo.start_http_listener {
  trusted_hosts = { '', '::1' },
  listen = '',
  hostname = '',
  use_tls = true,
  tls_certificate = '/path/to/cert.pem',
  tls_private_key = '/path/to/key.pem',

  --[[ Alternately configure to pull the certificate from HashiCorp Vault ]]
   tls_certificate = {
    vault_mount = 'secret',
    vault_path = 'tls/',
    vault_address = "",
    vault_token = "hvs.TOKENTOKENTOKEN",