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kcli rebind

Rebind messages from matching queues into different queue(s).

Rebinding works first by selecting the set of scheduled queues based on matching criteria that you specify via the --domain, --routing-domain, --campaign, --tenant and/or --everything options.

Each matching queue has its messages removed and assessed by the rebinding logic.

If --trigger-rebind-event is in use, each message will be passed to the rebind_message event, along with the effective data value you specify through a combination of --data and/or --set parameters. What actually happens to the message is defined solely by the logic in your rebind_message event.

Otherwise, each message will merge the key/value pairs that you specified via --data and/or --set into the metadata of the message.

After this, the message will be re-inserted into the queue subsystem.

If your rebind action caused any of the envelope recipient (in the case of --trigger-rebind-event), queue, tenant, campaign or routing_domain meta items to be changed, then the message will be placed into a different queue from its original location; in that case, it will be updated so that it is eligible for immediate delivery and an AdminRebind log event will be generated to the logs.

If the queue wasn't changed, then the next-due time of the message will remain unchanged, unless you specified --always-flush. In that case, the message will be placed back into its original queue but be eligible for immediate delivery.

If you do not wish to generate AdminRebind log entries, then you can use --suppress-logging.

Since the number of messages may be very large, and because processing messages may result in a large amount of I/O to load in every matching message's metadata, the total amount of time taken for a rebind request may be too large to feasibly wait for in the context of a simple request/response.

With that in mind, the rebinding action runs asynchronously: aside from any immediate syntax/request formatting issues, this command will immediately return with no further status indication.

Errors will be reported in the diagnostic log.


Move messages from the "" queue to the "" queue:

kcli rebind --domain --set


kcli rebind --domain --data '{"queue": ""}'

Usage: kcli rebind [OPTIONS] --reason <REASON>


  • --domain <DOMAIN> — The domain name to match. If omitted, any domains will match!

  • --routing-domain <ROUTING_DOMAIN> — The routing_domain name to match. If omitted, any routing domain will match!

  • --campaign <CAMPAIGN> — The campaign name to match. If omitted, any campaigns will match!

  • --tenant <TENANT> — The tenant name to match. If omitted, any tenant will match!

  • --reason <REASON> — The reason to log in the delivery logs (each matching message will rebind with an AdminRebind record)

  • --always-flush — Always flush, even if we didn't change the scheduled queue

  • --everything — Match all queues

  • --suppress-logging — Do not generate AdminRebind delivery logs

  • --trigger-rebind-event — Trigger a "rebind_message" event which receives both the message and the data, and then decides what to do to the message. Otherwise, the data will be unconditionally applied to the message metadata

  • --data <DATA> — Specify a JSON object of key/value pairs which should either be set as meta values, or passed to the rebind_message event (if --trigger-rebind-event is in use)

  • --set <KEY=VALUE> — Set additional key/value pairs. Can be used multiple times