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kumo.amqp.basic_publish {PARAMS}

Since: Version 2024.09.02-c5476b89

The functionality described in this section requires version 2024.09.02-c5476b89 of KumoMTA, or a more recent version.

Publishes a message using the amqprs AMQP client. This function differs from kumo.amqp.build_client in that it encapsulates the entire publish operation in a single function that manages a connection pool of client(s) and performs the publish without manually dealing with the client connection lifetime.

PARAMS is an object style table with the following possible fields:

  • routing_key - required string; the name of the queue to which to send the message
  • payload - required string; the message to send
  • exchange - optional string; the exchange through which to send the message. If unspecified, the empty string is used, which corresponds to a default exchange.
  • connection - the connection information, which is in turn an object with the following fields:
    • host - required string; the hostname or IP address of the AMQP server
    • port - optional integer; the port number of the AMQP service.
    • username - optional string
    • password - optional string
    • vhost - optional string
    • connection_name - optional string
    • heartbeat - optional integer
    • enable_tls - optional boolean
    • root_ca_cert - optional string; the path to a CA certificate file.
    • client_cert - optional string; the path to a client certificate file.
    • client_private_key - optional string; the path to the private key associated with the client certificate.
    • pool_size - optional integer; specifies the maximum number of AMQP connections to pool. The default is the number of CPUs * 4.
    • connect_timeout - optional duration string; the timeout to use around the connect operation.
    • recycle_timeout - optional duration string; the timeout to use around the recycle operation, which is where the liveness of an existing connection is tested prior to reuse.
    • wait_timeout - optional duration string; the timeout to use while waiting for a fully saturated pool to have an available AMQP client.
    • publish_timeout - optional duration string; the timeout to use around the basic_publish operation.
  • app_id - optional string
  • cluster_id - optional string
  • content_encoding - optional string
  • content_type - optional string
  • correlation_id - optional string
  • delivery_mode - optional integer
  • expiration - optional string
  • headers - optional field table
  • message_id - optional string
  • message_type - optional string
  • priority - optional integer
  • reply_to - optional string
  • timestamp - optional timestamp
  • user_id - optional string
  • mandatory - optional boolean
  • immediate - optional boolean