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Since: Version 2025.03.19-1d3f1f67

The functionality described in this section requires version 2025.03.19-1d3f1f67 of KumoMTA, or a more recent version.


This is an advanced option whose use is not recommended without deep knowledge of KumoMTA and the overall system constraints.

Controls the message shrinking policy when messages are placed into the corresponding scheduled queue with a due date in the future.

The default behavior when the policy is left unspecified, and for older versions of KumoMTA, is "ShrinkDataAndMeta", which releases both the message data and metadata, resulting in a minimal per-message overhead while messages are scheduled for delivery in the future.

The purpose of shrink_policy is to adjust how aggressively that memory is released depending on how long it will be before the message will next be retried.

The shrink_policy option is an array of QueueShrinkPolicy values that have the following fields:

  • interval - a time interval expressed using a duration string like "60 s" for 60 seconds. This value will be compared against the time until the message is next due for delivery to decide whether the entry matches.
  • policy - a MemoryReductionPolicy value, which can be one of:
    • "ShrinkDataAndMeta" - release both the message data and metadata
    • "ShrinkData" - release just the message data, keeping metadata in memory
    • "NoShrink" - do not release either data or metadata (very dangerous! use with caution!)

The way that shrink_policy is processed is that each element of the policy is compared against the remaining time until due. If the the remaining time is >= the interval of the entry, then the policy value from that entry is selected. This repeats until the end of the policy list has been processed.

As an example, if you configure the shrink_policy like this:

  function(domain_name, tenant, campaign, routing_domain)
    return kumo.make_queue_config {
      max_retry_interval = '20 minutes',
      shrink_policy = {
        { interval = '0 s', policy = 'ShrinkData' },
        { interval = '60 s', policy = 'ShrinkDataAndMeta' },

then the system behavior will be:

  • When a message is added to the scheduled queue and it is due within the next 60s, then we'll release just the message data and keep the message metadata in memory.

  • If the message is due further into the future than 60s, then both the data and metadata will be freed from RAM.

It might be advantageous to configure the shrink_policy in this way if you have a lot of available RAM and want to avoid spool IO for messages that will be retried in the near future, especially if you think that when the message is next due it might be subject to a suspension or bounce: you can save a load operation to recall the message metadata to compare against the suspension/bounce rules in that situation.


When memory usage hits the soft limit, KumoMTA assumes that messages in the scheduled queue are fully "shrunk", having neither their data or metadata loaded.

When you use shrink_policy to change that assumption, the effectiveness of its low memory recovery options is reduced because it does not sweep the scheduled queues to ensure that all the messages are fully shrunk.

You need to satisfy yourself that you have appropriate constraints configured to avoid an OOM-related kill when you change the shrink_policy.