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Log Record

Log Record

The log record is a JSON object with the following shape:

    // The record type; can be one of "Reception", "Delivery",
    // "Bounce", "TransientFailure", "Expiration", "AdminBounce",
    // "OOB" or "Feedback"
    "type": "Delivery",

    // The message spool id; corresponds to the value returned by
    // message:id()
    "id": "1d98076abbbc11ed940250ebf67f93bd",

    // The envelope sender
    "sender": "",

    // The envelope recipient
    "recipient": "",

    // Which named queue the message was associated with
    "queue": "campaign:tenant@domain",

    // Which MX site the message was being delivered to.
    // Empty string for Reception records.
    "site": "source2->(alt1|alt2|alt3|alt4)?",

    // The size of the message payload, in bytes
    "size": 1047,

    // The response from the peer, if applicable
    "response": {
        // the SMTP status code
        "code": 250,

        // The ENHANCEDSTATUSCODE portion of the response parsed
        // out into individual fields.
        // This one is from a "2.0.0" status code
        "enhanced_code": {
            "class": 2,
            "subject": 0,
            "detail": 0,

        // the remainder of the response content
        "content": "OK ids=8a5475ccbbc611eda12250ebf67f93bd",

        // the SMTP command verb to which the response was made.
        // eg: "MAIL FROM", "RCPT TO" etc. "." isn't really a command
        // but is used to represent the response to the final ".:
        // we send to indicate the end of the message payload.
        // This field can be nil/absent in some cases, particularly
        // for Rejection records for incoming SMTP in older
        // versions of kumomta.
        "command": "."

    // Information about the peer in the communication. This is either
    // the submitter or the receiver, depending on the record type
    "peer_address": {
        // When delivering, this is the name from the MX record.
        // When receiving, this is the EHLO/HELO string sent by
        // the sender
        "name": "",
        "addr": ""

    // The time at which this record was generated, expressed
    // as a unix timestamp: seconds since the unix epoch
    "timestamp": 1678069691,

    // The time at which the message was received, expressed
    // as a unix timestamp: seconds since the unix epoch
    "created": 1678069691,

    // The number of delivery attempts.
    "num_attempts": 0,

    // the classification assigned by the bounce classifier,
    // or Uncategorized if unknown or the classifier is not configured.
    "bounce_classification": "Uncategorized",

    // The name of the egress pool used as the source for the delivery
    "egress_pool": "pool0",

    // The name of the selected egress source (a member of the egress pool)
    // used for the delivery
    "egress_source": "source2",

    // For SMTP delivery, the source address (and port) that was used.
    // (*Since: Version 2024.09.02-c5476b89*)
    "source_address": {
        // The source address. The port number may be unknown and reported
        // as zero when using a proxy protocol.
        "address": "",
        // If a proxy protocol was used, this field will be
        // set to its name. It may be null/not set for no proxy,
        // "haproxy" or "socks5".
        "protocol": "socks5",
        // If a proxy protocol was used, this field will be
        // set to the proxy server address. It will be null/not set
        // when no proxy was used.
        "server": ""

    // when "type" == "Feedback", holds the parsed feedback report
    "feedback_report": null,

    // holds the values of the list of meta fields from the logger
    // configuration
    "meta": {},

    // holds the values of the list of message headers from the logger
    // configuration
    "headers": {},

    // The protocol used to deliver, or attempt to deliver, this message.
    // May be null or unset for expirations or administrative bounces
    // or other similar situations.
    // "ESMTP" for SMTP, "Maildir" for maildir and "Lua" for a lua delivery
    // mechanism.
    "delivery_protocol": "ESMTP",

    // The protocol used to receive the message
    // "ESMTP" for SMTP, "HTTP" for the HTTP injection API, "LogRecord"
    // for messages captured via `configure_log_hook`.
    // This information is also stored in the message meta key named
    // "reception_protocol".
    "reception_protocol": "ESMTP",

    // The node uuid. This identifies the node independently from its
    // IP address or other characteristics present in this log record.
    "nodeid": "557f3ad4-2c8c-11ee-976e-782d7e12e173",

    // Information about TLS used for outgoing SMTP, if applicable.
    "tls_cipher": "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384",
    "tls_protocol_version": "TLSv1.3",
    "tls_peer_subject_name": ["C=US","ST=CA","L=SanFrancisco","O=Fort-Funston",

    // A correlating session identifier. Messages received via
    // the same connection will have the same session_id in their
    // Reception or Rejection records. Messages being sent via the
    // same session will have the same session_id in their TransientFailure,
    // Delivery and Bounce records.
    // May not be set in situations where there is no active session.
    // (*Since: Version 2025.01.23-7273d2bc*)
    "session_id": "9bcd689e-23d9-41b7-a015-63a1382f8b57"

Record Types

The following record types are defined:

  • "Reception" - logging the reception of a message via SMTP or via the HTTP injection API
  • "Delivery" - logging the successful delivery of a message via SMTP
  • "Bounce" - logging a permanent failure response and end of delivery attempts for the message.
  • "TransientFailure" - logging a transient failure when attempting delivery
  • "Expiration" - logged when the message exceeds the configured maximum lifetime in the queue.
  • "AdminBounce" - logged when an administrator uses the /api/admin/bounce API to fail message(s).
  • "OOB" - when receiving an out of band bounce with an attached RFC3464 delivery status report, the parsed report is used to synthesize an OOB record for each recipient in the report.
  • "Feedback" - when receiving an ARF feedback report, instead of logging a "Reception", a "Feedback" record is logged instead with the report contents parsed out and made available in the feedback_report field.
  • "Rejection" - logging a 4xx or 5xx response generated by KumoMTA in response to an incoming SMTP command. (Since: Version 2024.06.10-84e84b89)
  • "Delay" - explains why a message landed in the scheduled queue when it doesn't otherwise have a TransientFailure record logged. (Since: Version 2025.01.23-7273d2bc)

Feedback Report

ARF feedback reports are parsed into a JSON object that has the following structure. The fields of the feedback_report correspond to those defined by RFC 5965.

See also trace_headers for information about the supplemental_trace field.

    "type": "Feedback",
    "feedback_report": {
        "feedback_type": "abuse",
        "user_agent": "SomeGenerator/1.0",
        "version": 1,
        "arrival_date": "2005-03-08T18:00:00Z",
        "incidents": nil,
        "original_envelope_id": nil,
        "original_mail_from": "<>",
        "reporting_mta": {
            "mta_type": "dns",
            "name": "",
        "source_ip": "",
        "authentication_results": [
            "; spf=fail",
        "original_rcpto_to": [
        "reported_domain": [
        "reported_uri": [

        // any fields found in the report that do not correspond to
        // those defined by RFC 5965 are collected into this
        // extensions field
        "extensions": {
            "removal-recipient": [

        // The original message or message headers, if provided in
        // the report
        "original_message": "From: <>
Received: from (
    []) by with ESMTP id M63d4137594e46;
    Tue, 08 Mar 2005 14:00:00 -0400
X-KumoRef: eyJfQF8iOiJcXF8vIiwicmVjaXBpZW50IjoidGVzdEBleGFtcGxlLmNvbSJ9
To: <Undisclosed Recipients>
Subject: Earn money
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 12:31:03 -0500

Spam Spam Spam
Spam Spam Spam
Spam Spam Spam
Spam Spam Spam

        // if original_message is present, and a kumo-style trace
        // header was decoded from it, then this holds the decoded
        // trace information
        "supplemental_trace": {
            "recipient": "",