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message:set_scheduling { SCHED }


Allows setting schedule constraints on the message.

When called with nil as a parameter, will clear any scheduling constraints that are set on the message.

Otherwise, SCHED is a lua object that accepts a number of fields as listed below. There are two separate groups of scheduling constraint:

  • Deferred initial delivery, using the first_attempt field
  • Constrained time/day of week delivery using the dow, tz, start and end fields.

When using constrained time of delivery, all four of the associated fields must be specified. If not using constrained time of delivery, all four of the associated fields must be omitted.

Constrained delivery modifies the normal exponential backoff retry schedule in a simple way: the target time is computed as normal, and if that time does not fall within the constrained delivery window, the scheduled time will be moved to the next following date/time at which delivery will be acceptable. In practice, that will be the start time on the follow appropriate dow.

Just setting the first_attempt:

msg:set_scheduling { first_attempt = '2023-03-01T17:00:00:00-08:00' }

setting constraints to deliver only on Mondays and Wednesdays during business hours, Phoenix time. Note that end has to be quoted to be used as a table key in lua, because it is a language keyword:

msg:set_scheduling {
  dow = 'Mon,Wed',
  tz = 'America/Phoenix',
  start = '09:00:00',
  ['end'] = '17:00:00',

and both together:

msg:set_scheduling {
  first_attempt = '2023-03-01T17:00:00:00-08:00',
  dow = 'Mon,Wed',
  tz = 'America/Phoenix',
  start = '09:00:00',
  ['end'] = '17:00:00',


Optional String.

If present, must be an RFC 3339 date/time string which specifies the earliest time at which the message will be scheduled for delivery.



Specifies the comma separated list of days of the week on which delivery will be permitted. Days can be three-letter prefixes or the full English day names. For example both "Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri" and "Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday" are acceptable ways to indicate working week days.



Specifies the name of the timezone in which to interpret the scheduling constraints. The timezone name must be a name from the IANA Time Zone Data such as "America/Phoenix". Short forms like "PST" have ambiguous interpretations and are NOT accepted.



Specifies the time of day in "HH:MM:SS" form of the start of an acceptable delivery window. The time is interpreted in the timezone specified by the tz field.



Specifies the time of day in "HH:MM:SS" form of the end of an acceptable delivery window. The time is interpreted in the timezone specified by the tz field.