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DELETE /api/admin/bounce/v1

Making a DELETE request to this endpoint allows the system operator to delete an administrative bounce entry by its id.

The body of the request must have the following form:

    "id": "169c3dc0-6518-41ef-bfbb-1f0ae426cb32"

If the id is invalid (or not longer active), then a 404 status will be returned.

Kumo CLI

In addition to making raw API requests, you may use the kumo CLI:

$ kcli --endpoint bounce-cancel --id 169c3dc0-6518-41ef-bfbb-1f0ae426cb32
removed 0234c7c9-afd3-49f9-9a4c-a1cc37fcc53b

Run kcli bounce-cancel --help for more informtion.