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Since: Version 2023.11.28-b5252a41

The functionality described in this section requires version 2023.11.28-b5252a41 of KumoMTA, or a more recent version.

Optional string. If provided, specifies the name of an event that should be triggered to decide whether logs for a given message should be included in this instance of local file logging.

The event will be passed the message that is being considered for logging purposes. The goal of the event is to return true if logging should proceed or false otherwise.

You may access the message metadata to make that decision.

kumo.on('init', function()
  -- We only want logs for messages accepted via SMTP to land here
  kumo.configure_local_logs {
    log_dir = '/var/log/kumo-logs-smtp',
    filter_event = 'should_log_to_smtp_logs',

  -- We want all other logs to land here
  kumo.configure_local_logs {
    log_dir = '/var/log/kumo-logs-other',
    filter_event = 'should_log_to_other',

kumo.on('should_log_to_smtp_logs', function(msg)
  return msg:get_meta 'reception_protocol' == 'ESMTP'

kumo.on('should_log_to_other', function(msg)
  return msg:get_meta 'reception_protocol' ~= 'ESMTP'