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Controls the addition of tracing headers to received messages.

KumoMTA can add two different headers to aid in later tracing:

  • The standard "Received" header which captures SMTP relay hops on their path to the inbox
  • A supplemental header which can be used to match feedback reports back to the originating mailing

Prior to triggering the smtp_server_message_received event the standard "Received" header will be added to the message. Then, once the event completes and your policy has had the opportunity to alter the meta data associated with the message, the supplemental header will be added.

kumo.start_esmtp_listener {
  -- ..
  trace_headers = {
    -- this is the default: add the Received: header
    received_header = true,

    -- this is the default: add the supplemental header
    supplemental_header = true,

    -- this is the default: the name of the supplemental header
    header_name = 'X-KumoRef',

    -- names of additional meta data fields
    -- to include in the header. TAKE CARE! The header will be
    -- base64 encoded to prevent casual introspection, but the
    -- header is NOT encrypted and the values of the meta data
    -- fields included here should be considered to be public.
    -- The default is not to add any meta data fields, but you
    -- might consider setting something like:
    -- include_meta_names = { 'tenant', 'campaign' },
    include_meta_names = {},

Here's an example of a supplemental header from a message:

X-KumoRef: eyJfQF8iOiJcXF8vIiwicmVjaXBpZW50IjoidGVzdEBleGFtcGxlLmNvbSJ9

the decoded payload contains a magic marker key as well as the recipient of the original message:


Any meta data fields that were listed in include_meta_names, if the corresponding meta data was set in the message, would also be captured in the decoded payload.

KumoMTA will automatically extract this supplemental trace header information from any X- header that is successfully parsed and has the magic marker key when processing the original message payload of an incoming ARF report.