Installing KumoMTA in a Docker container
Our CI builds the latest version of our image and publishes it to the GitHub Container registry:
- the most recent stable
- the most recent dev release.
You'll need a policy script in order to start kumo.
Create a file named init.lua
with these contents:
local kumo = require 'kumo'
-- This config acts as a sink that will discard all received mail
kumo.on('init', function()
-- Listen on port 25
kumo.start_esmtp_listener {
listen = '0:25',
-- allow all clients to send mail
relay_hosts = { '' },
-- Define the default "data" spool location.
-- This is unused by this config, but we are required to
-- define a default spool location.
kumo.define_spool {
name = 'data',
path = '/tmp/kumo-sink/data',
-- Define the default "meta" spool location.
-- This is unused by this config, but we are required to
-- define a default spool location.
kumo.define_spool {
name = 'meta',
path = '/tmp/kumo-sink/meta',
kumo.on('smtp_server_message_received', function(msg)
-- Accept and discard all messages
msg:set_meta('queue', 'null')
When we launch the image, we want to mount our init.lua
file into the image
and tell it to use it. The default location for this is /opt/kumomta/etc/policy
$ sudo docker run --rm -p 2025:25 \
-v .:/opt/kumomta/etc/policy \
--name kumo-sink \
For examples on deploying more advanced docker architectures, see