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Deploying Traffic Shaping Automation

The tsa-daemon process communicates with KumoMTA nodes to process tempfail and permfail events and issue commands to the KumoMTA nodes based on those events.

When running in a clustered environment each node needs to talk to each tsa-daemon process running in the cluster.

This can either be architected as one daemon per node or one or more daemons common to the cluster (see the Deployment Architecture page).

When configuring clustered Traffic Shaping Automation, the steps are similar to what is covered in the Configuring Traffic Shaping Automation page, but with some minor modifications.

  1. In the tsa_init.lua file, the tsa_init handler must use a trusted_hosts list that includes all nodes in the cluster:

    kumo.on('tsa_init', function()
      tsa.start_http_listener {
        listen = '',
        trusted_hosts = { '', '', '::1' },
  2. In the init.lua file, the call to shaping:setup_with_automation must be modified to include publishing to all the TSA daemon instances:

    local shaper = shaping:setup_with_automation {
        publish = { '', '' },
        subscribe = { '' },
        extra_files = { '/opt/kumomta/etc/policy/shaping.toml' },

The KumoMTA nodes only need to subscribe to a single tsa-daemon instance, or can subscribe to a load balancer for fault tolerance.