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kumo.make_egress_path { PARAMS }

Constructs a configuration object that specifies how traffic travelling the path from a source to a site will behave.

This function should be called from the get_egress_path_config event handler to provide the configuration for the requested site.

The following keys are possible:


Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections that will be made from the current MTA machine to the destination site.

kumo.on('get_egress_path_config', function(domain, source_name, site_name)
  return kumo.make_egress_path {
    connection_limit = 32,


Each time KumoMTA exhausts the full list of hosts for the destination it increments a consecutive_connection_failures counter. When that counter exceeds the consecutive_connection_failures_before_delay configuration value, KumoMTA will then delay all of the messages currently in the ready queue, generating a transient failure log record with code 451 4.4.1 No answer from any hosts listed in MX.

The default value for this setting is 100.


Optional string. Specifies the EHLO domain when initiating a connection to the destination. The default value is the ehlo_domain specified by make_egress_source, if any, otherwise, the local machine hostname.


Controls whether and how TLS will be used when connecting to the destination. Possible values are:

  • "Opportunistic" - use TLS if advertised by the EHLO response. If the peer has invalid or self-signed certificates, then the delivery will fail. KumoMTA will NOT fallback to not using TLS on that same host.

  • "OpportunisticInsecure" - use TLS if advertised by the EHLO response. Validation of the certificate will be skipped. Not recommended for sending to the public internet; this is intended for local or lab testing scenarios.

  • "Required" - Require that TLS be advertised in the EHLO response. The remote host must have valid certificates in order to deliver to the site.

  • "RequiredInsecure" - Require that TLS be advertised in the EHLO response. Validation of the certificate will be skipped. Not recommended for sending to the public internet; this is intended for local or lab testing scenarios.

  • "Disabled" - do not try to use TLS.

The default value is "Opportunistic".

kumo.on('get_egress_path_config', function(domain, source_name, site_name)
  return kumo.make_egress_path {
    enable_tls = 'Opportunistic',


Since: Version 2023.11.28-b5252a41

The functionality described in this outlined box requires version 2023.11.28-b5252a41 of KumoMTA, or a more recent version.

When set to true (which is the default), the MTA-STS policy for the destination domain will be used to adjust the effective value of enable_tls.

If the policy is set to "enforce", then, assuming that the candidate MX host name matches the policy, the connection will be made with enable_tls="Required". If the host name does not match, the candidate MX host will be not be used.

If the policy is set to "testing", then the connection will be made with enable_tls="OpportunisticInsecure".

If the policy is set to "none", then your configured value for enable_tls will be used.

If enable_dane=true and TLSA records are present, then any MTA-STS policy will be ignored.


Since: Version 2023.11.28-b5252a41

The functionality described in this outlined box requires version 2023.11.28-b5252a41 of KumoMTA, or a more recent version.

When set to true (the default is false), then TLSA records will be resolved securely to determine the destination site policy for TLS according to DANE.

If TLSA records are available, then the effective value of enable_tls will be treated as though it were set to "Required" and the OpenSSL DANE implementation will be used to verify the server certificate against the TLSA records found in DNS.

Use of DANE also requires functioning DNSSEC in your DNS resolver; you will need to configure the libunbound resolver to successfully use DANE:

kumo.on('init', function()
    kumo.dns.configure_unbound_resolver {
        options = {
            -- Enable DNSSEC
            validate = true,
        -- By default, if you omit `name_servers`, unbound will
        -- resolve via the root resolvers.
        -- We strongly recommend deploying local caching nameservers
        -- and referencing them here:
        -- name_servers = { '' },

The following nine settings control the timeouts waiting for responses to various SMTP commands.

The value is specified as a integer in seconds, or as a string using syntax like "2min" for a two minute duration.

Since: Dev Builds Only

The functionality described in this section requires a dev build of KumoMTA. You can obtain a dev build by following the instructions in the Installation section.

How long to wait between a connection being established and receiving a 220 from a receiving host. The default is 60s.

In earlier versions of KumoMTA, this was rolled together into the connect_timeout.


How long to wait between starting an SMTP connection and receiving a 220 from a receiving host. The default is 60s.

(Since: Dev Builds Only) The connect_timeout is now purely focused on the time it takes to establish a working connection. The time allowed for receiving the initial 220 banner has been separated out into banner_timeout.


How long to wait for a response after issuing a STARTTLS comand. The default is 5s.


How long to wait for a response after issuing an EHLO command. The default is 300s.


How long to wait for a response after issuing a MAIL FROM command. The default is 300s.


How long to wait for a response after issuing a RCPT TO command. The default is 300s.


How long to wait for a response after issuing a DATA command. The default is 30s.


How long to wait for a response after issuing a closing "." at the end of the DATA field. The default is 60s.


How long to wait for a response after issuing a RSET command. The default is 5s.


How long a connection will remain open and idle, waiting to be reused for another delivery attempt, before being closed.

The value is specified as a integer in seconds, or as a string using syntax like "2min" for a two minute duration. The default is 60s.

kumo.on('get_egress_path_config', function(domain, source_name, site_name)
  return kumo.make_egress_path {
    idle_timeout = 60,


Optional string.

Specifies the maximum permitted rate at which connections can be established from this source to the corresponding destination site.

The value is of the form quantity/period where quantity is a number and period can be a measure of time.

Examples of throttles:

"10/s" -- 10 per second
"10/sec" -- 10 per second
"10/second" -- 10 per second

"50/m" -- 50 per minute
"50/min" -- 50 per minute
"50/minute" -- 50 per minute

"1,000/hr" -- 1000 per hour
"1_000/h" -- 1000 per hour
"1000/hour" -- 1000 per hour

"10_000/d" -- 10,000 per day
"10,000/day" -- 10,000 per day

Throttles are implemented using a Generic Cell Rate Algorithm.

kumo.on('get_egress_path_config', function(domain, source_name, site_name)
  return kumo.make_egress_path {
    max_connection_rate = '100/min',

If the throttle is exceeded and the delay before a connection be established is longer than the idle_timeout, then the messages in the ready queue will be delayed until the throttle would permit them to be delievered again.


Optional number.

If set, no more than this number of messages will be attempted on any given connection.

Version Default
(Since: Version 2023.08.22-4d895015) The default is 1024
Prior versions The default is unlimited


Optional string.

Specifies the maximum permitted rate at which messages can be delivered from this source to the corresponding destination site.

The throttle is specified the same was as for max_connection_rate above.

If the throttle is exceeded and the delay before the current message can be sent is longer than the idle_timeout, then the messages in the ready queue will be delayed until the throttle would permit them to be delievered again.

This option is distinct from the scheduled queue max_message_rate option in that the scheduled queue option applies to a specific scheduled queue, whilst this egress path option applies to the ready queue for a specific egress path, through which multiple scheduled queues send out to the internet.

If you have configured max_message_rate both here and in a scheduled queue, the effective maximum message rate will be the lesser of the two values; both constraints are applied independently from each other at different stages of processing.


Specifies the maximum number of messages that can be in the ready queue. The ready queue is the set of messages that are immediately eligible for delivery.

If a message is promoted from its delayed queue to the ready queue and it would take the size of the ready queue above max_ready, the message will be delayed by a randomized interval of up to 60 seconds and placed back into the scheduled queue before being considered again.

Moving a message from ready to scheduled as a result of hitting this limit may trigger disk IO to save the content of the message if the message was received with deferred spooling enabled. In addition, other in-memory state is discarded to reduce memory utilization, and it will need to be re-loaded from the spool when the message is tried again later.

The default for max_ready is 1024 messages.

Raising the limit will increase RAM utilization in exchange for decreasing the IO load to your spool storage.


A CIDR list of hosts that should be considered "poisonous", for example, because they might cause a mail loop.

When resolving the hosts for the destination MX, if any of the hosts are present in the prohibited_hosts list then the ready queue will be immediately failed with a 550 5.4.4 status.


A CIDR list of hosts that should be removed from the list of hosts returned when resolving the MX for the destination domain.

This can be used for example to skip a host that is experiencing issues.

If all of the hosts returned for an MX are filtered out by skip_hosts then the ready queue will be immediately failed with a 550 5.4.4 status.


Specifies the port to connect to when making an SMTP connection to a destination MX host.

The default is port 25.

See also kumo.make_egress_source().remote_port


When set, connecting to the destination requires a successful AUTH PLAIN using the specified username.

AUTH PLAIN will only be attempted if TLS is also enabled, unless allow_smtp_auth_plain_without_tls = true. This is to prevent leaking of the credential over an unencrypted link.

kumo.on('get_egress_path_config', function(domain, site_name)
  return kumo.make_egress_path {
    enable_tls = 'Required',
    smtp_auth_plain_username = 'scott',
    -- The password can be any keysource value
    smtp_auth_plain_password = {
      key_data = 'tiger',


Specifies the password that should be used together with smtp_auth_plain_username when an authenticated SMTP connection is desired.

The value is any keysource, which allows for specifying the password inline in the configuration file, or managing it via a credential manager such as HashiCorp Vault.

kumo.on('get_egress_path_config', function(domain, site_name)
  return kumo.make_egress_path {
    enable_tls = 'Required',
    smtp_auth_plain_username = 'scott',
    -- The password can be any keysource value.
    -- Here we are loading the credential for the domain
    -- from HashiCorp vault
    smtp_auth_plain_password = {
      vault_mount = 'secret',
      vault_path = 'smtp-auth/' .. domain,


Optional boolean. Defaults to false.

When false, and the connection is not using TLS, SMTP AUTH PLAIN will be premptively failed in order to prevent the credential from being passed over the network in clear text.

You can set this to true to allow sending the credential in clear text.


Do not enable this option on an untrusted network, as the credential will then be passed in clear text and visible to anyone else on the network


Since: Version 2023.08.22-4d895015

The functionality described in this section requires version 2023.08.22-4d895015 of KumoMTA, or a more recent version.

Optional boolean. Defaults to false.

When set to true, this pathway will not be used to send mail.

This option is present primarily to facilitate traffic shaping automation.


This option is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. It has been subsumed by realtime TSA suspension updates. It no longer has any effect.


Since: Dev Builds Only

The functionality described in this section requires a dev build of KumoMTA. You can obtain a dev build by following the instructions in the Installation section.

Optional boolean. Defaults to false.

When set to true, this pathway will prefer to use OpenSSL as the TLS implementation.

When set to false, this pathway will prefer to use rustls as the TLS implementation, unless DANE is enabled and TLSA records are present, in which case OpenSSL will be used.


Since: Dev Builds Only

The functionality described in this section requires a dev build of KumoMTA. You can obtain a dev build by following the instructions in the Installation section.

Optional string.

If set, then the value will be used to configure the set of ciphers used by OpenSSL for TLS protocol version lower than 1.3.

OpenSSL is used as described under the tls_prefer_openssl option above.

The format of the string is discussed in the OpenSSL ciphers documentation


Since: Dev Builds Only

The functionality described in this section requires a dev build of KumoMTA. You can obtain a dev build by following the instructions in the Installation section.

Optional string.

If set, then the value will be used to configure the set of ciphers used by OpenSSL for TLS protocol version 1.3.

OpenSSL is used as described under the tls_prefer_openssl option above.

The format consists of TLSv1.3 cipher suite names separated by : characters in order of preference.


Since: Dev Builds Only

The functionality described in this section requires a dev build of KumoMTA. You can obtain a dev build by following the instructions in the Installation section.

Optional string.

If set, then the value will be used to configure openssl option flags.

OpenSSL is used as described under the tls_prefer_openssl option above.

The format of the string is the set of possible option names separated by | characters.

Option names are:

  • ALL - A “reasonable default” set of options which enables compatibility flags.
  • NO_QUERY_MTU - Do not query the MTU. Only affects DTLS connections.
  • COOKIE_EXCHANGE - Enables Cookie Exchange as described in RFC 4347 Section 4.2.1. Only affects DTLS connections.
  • NO_TICKET - Disables the use of session tickets for session resumption.
  • NO_SESSION_RESUMPTION_ON_RENEGOTIATION - Always start a new session when performing a renegotiation on the server side.
  • NO_COMPRESSION - Disables the use of TLS compression.
  • ALLOW_UNSAFE_LEGACY_RENEGOTIATION - Allow legacy insecure renegotiation with servers or clients that do not support secure renegotiation.
  • SINGLE_ECDH_USE - Creates a new key for each session when using ECDHE. This is always enabled in OpenSSL 1.1.0.
  • SINGLE_DH_USE - Creates a new key for each session when using DHE. This is always enabled in OpenSSL 1.1.0.
  • TLS_ROLLBACK_BUG - Disables version rollback attach detection.
  • NO_SSLV2 - Disables the use of SSLv2.
  • NO_SSLV3 - Disables the use of SSLv3.
  • NO_TLSV1 - Disables the use of TLSv1.0.
  • NO_TLSV1_1 - Disables the use of TLSv1.1.
  • NO_TLSV1_2 - Disables the use of TLSv1.2.
  • NO_TLSV1_3 - Disables the use of TLSv1.3.
  • NO_DTLSV1 - Disables the use of DTLSv1.0.
  • NO_DTLSV1_2 - Disables the use of DTLSv1.2.
  • NO_RENEGOTIATION - Disallow all renegotiation in TLSv1.2 and earlier.
  • ENABLE_MIDDLEBOX_COMPAT - Enable TLSv1.3 Compatibility mode. Requires OpenSSL 1.1.1 or newer. This is on by default in 1.1.1, but a future version may have this disabled by default.


Since: Dev Builds Only

The functionality described in this section requires a dev build of KumoMTA. You can obtain a dev build by following the instructions in the Installation section.

Optional array of strings.

If set, then the value will be used to configure rustls cipher suites.

Rustls is used as described under the tls_prefer_openssl option above.

The list of possible cipher suites at the time of writing is:

  • TLS13_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
  • TLS13_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
  • TLS13_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256

This list may evolve over time as new releases of kumomta are made. You can review the current possible list with the tls-probe utility:

$ /opt/kumomta/sbin/tls-probe list-rustls-cipher-suites