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Configuring KumoMTA

The KumoMTA configuration is entirely written in Lua. Lua is a powerful embedded scripting language that is easy to read and code, and is very powerful. It is used for custom scripts in Cisco security appliances, Roblox, World of Warcraft, and really awesome MTAs. You can read more about how we leverage Lua here.

  1. Create an initial core configuration by copying the example at and writing it to /opt/kumomta/etc/policy/init.lua.

  2. Update the relay_hosts configuration within the start_esmtp_listener function to reflect which networks are authorized to inject mail:

    -- override the default set of relay hosts
    relay_hosts = { '', '' }
  3. By default only localhost and private networks are able to relay (send) mail. Add the IP address or CIDR block of your injectors here to allow them to relay mail.

    For HTTP, this is done with the trusted_hosts setting in a listener stanza:

    kumo.start_http_listener {
      listen = '',
      -- allowed to access any http endpoint without additional auth
      trusted_hosts = { '', '::1' },


    If you are going to allow the HTTP listener on any IP other than localhost, you should also configure TLS and HTTP Validation.

  4. Create a local copy of the Traffic Shaping Helper configuration file. The helpers are designed to provide simple configuration for standard use cases, but the Traffic Shaping Helper in particular uses a community-managed settings file located in policy-extras that is subject to change when your KumoMTA installation is updated. By copying it to a separate location, you can add your own rules or replace ones from the community file without your changes being lost during an update. The example config is designed so that both files are used. Only edit /opt/kumomta/etc/policy/shaping.toml when you want to make changes.

    sudo cp /opt/kumomta/share/policy-extras/shaping.toml /opt/kumomta/etc/policy/shaping.toml

    For more information, see the Configure Traffic Shaping Automation section of the User Guide.

  5. Configure the listener_domains.toml file, written to /opt/kumomta/etc/policy/listener_domains.toml in the following format, substituting your own sending domain information:

    # You can specify multiple options if you wish
    log_oob = true
    log_arf = true
    relay_to = false
      "": {
        // You can specify multiple options if you wish
        "log_oob": true,
        "log_arf": true,
        "relay_to": false

    For more information, see the Configuring Inbound and Relay Domains page of the User Guide.


    The preceding example configures the server to accept traffic from the outside world addressed to the domain, as long as the incoming messages are either Out-Of-Band DSN (bounce) notifications, or Feedback Loop messages, but will not accept regular mail for inbound relay such as with a corporate mail environment.

  6. Configure the sources.toml file, written to /opt/kumomta/etc/policy/sources.toml in the following format, substituting your own IP and ehlo information:

    source_address = ""
    ehlo_domain = ''
    source_address = ""
    ehlo_domain = ''
      "source": {
        "ip-1": {
          "source_address": "",
          "ehlo_domain": ""
        "ip-2": {
          "source_address": "",
          "ehlo_domain": ""
      "pool": {
        "Default": {
          "ip-1": {
        "pool-1": {
          "ip-2": {

    For more information, see the Configuring Sending IPs page of the User Guide.

  7. Configure the queues.toml file, written to /opt/kumomta/etc/policy/queues.toml in the following format, substituting your own tenant names and header names:

    scheduling_header = "X-Schedule"
    tenant_header = "X-Tenant"
    remove_tenant_header = true
    campaign_header = "X-Campaign"
    remove_campaign_header = true
    default_tenant = "default-tenant"
    egress_pool = 'default'
    egress_pool = 'pool-1'
    max_age = '10 hours'
    max_age = '22 hours'
    retry_interval = '17 mins'
      "scheduling_header": "X-Schedule",
      "tenant_header": "X-Tenant",
      "remove_tenant_header": true,
      "campaign_header": "X-Campaign",
      "remove_campaign_header": true,
      "default_tenant": "default-tenant",
      "tenant": {
        "default-tenant": {
          "egress_pool": "default"
        "mytenant": {
          "egress_pool": "pool-1",
          "max_age": "10 hours"
      "queue": {
        "": {
          "max_age": "22 hours",
          "retry_interval": "17 mins"

    For More information, see the Configuring Queue Management page of the User Guide.

  8. Configure DKIM signing keys. Read the guide for details, but the short version is below:

    Replace the domain and selector with your own, then generate signing keys with:

    export DOMAIN=<your_domain>
    export SELECTOR=<your_selector>
    sudo mkdir -p /opt/kumomta/etc/dkim/$DOMAIN
    sudo openssl genrsa -f4 -out /opt/kumomta/etc/dkim/$DOMAIN/$SELECTOR.key 1024
    sudo openssl rsa -in /opt/kumomta/etc/dkim/$DOMAIN/$SELECTOR.key -outform PEM -pubout -out /opt/kumomta/etc/dkim/$DOMAIN/$
    sudo chown kumod:kumod /opt/kumomta/etc/dkim/$DOMAIN -R
  9. Configure the dkim_data.toml file, written to /opt/kumomta/etc/policy/dkim_data.toml in the following format, substituting your own DKIM signing information:

    # Default selector to assume if the domain/signature block
    # doesn't specify one
    selector = "dkim1024"
    # The default set of headers to sign if otherwise unspecified
    headers = ["From", "To", "Subject", "Date", "MIME-Version", "Content-Type", "Sender"]
    # Domain blocks match based on the sender domain of the incoming message
    selector = 'dkim1024'
    headers = ["From", "To", "Subject", "Date", "MIME-Version", "Content-Type", "Sender"]
    algo = "sha256"
    # Optional override of keyfile path Default is "/opt/kumomta/etc/dkim/DOMAIN/SELECTOR.key"
    filename = "/full/path/to/key."
      "base": {
        // Default selector to assume if the domain/signature block
        // doesn't specify one
        "selector": "dkim1024",
        // The default set of headers to sign if otherwise unspecified
        "headers": [
      "domain": {
        // Domain blocks match based on the sender domain of the incoming message
        "": {
          "selector": "dkim1024",
          "headers": [
          "algo": "sha256",
          // Optional override of keyfile path Default is "/opt/kumomta/etc/dkim/DOMAIN/SELECTOR.key"
          "filename": "/full/path/to/key."


    These instructions assume that the keyfiles are already created and in place, along with the appropriate DNS records. See the UserGuide for more information.

You now have a basic and safe sending configuration that will allow you to move on to Starting KumoMTA.