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Configuring DKIM Signing

What it is

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a mechanism that allows verification of the source and contents of email messages. Using DKIM, sending domains can include a cryptographic signature in outgoing email messages. A message's signature may be verified by an MTA during transit and by the Mail User Agent (MUA) upon delivery. A verified signature indicates the message was sent by the sending domain and the message was not altered in transit. When a DKIM signature fails verification that indicates the message may have been altered during transit or that the sender is fraudulently using the sending domain name.

The 2011 DKIM specification is located here: rfc6376.

This diagram gives a graphical view of how DKIM works.

title: DKIM Process flow
graph TD
    SMTA["Sending MTA"]
    SIGN["Sign Message Using Private Key"]
    VALIDATE["Validate Signature using Public Key"]
    RMTA["Receiving MTA"]
    MBOX["User Mailbox"]
    SPAM["Spam Folder"]
    SMTA --> SIGN
    SIGN --> RMTA
    SENDER -- Publish Public Key --> DNS
    DNS -- Get Sender's Public Key --> RMTA
    VALIDATE -- Valid Signature --> MBOX
    VALIDATE -- Invalid Signature --> SPAM

   style SMTA fill:orange,color:black
   style RMTA fill:skyblue,color:black
   style DNS fill:#A2E4B8,color:black
   style MBOX fill:#E8DD8E,color:black

Enabling DKIM signing in KumoMTA

A system administrator with access to manage DNS generates a public/private key pair to use for signing all outgoing messages for the domain (multiple key pairs are allowed). The public key is published in DNS, and the private key is made available to their DKIM-enabled outbound email servers. This is step "1" in the diagram.

When an email is sent by an authorized user within the domain, the DKIM-enabled email system uses the stored private key to generate a digital signature of the message. This signature is included in a DKIM-Signature header and prepended to the email. The email is then sent on to the recipient's mail server. This is step "2" in the diagram.

Generating DKIM Keys

Generate public and private keys for each signing domain and create the DKIM public key DNS records for those domains.

The OpenSSL cryptography toolkit can be used to generate RSA or Ed25519 keys for DKIM. The most recent rfc indicates that Ed25519 should be used, but be aware that Ed25519 DKIM support is currently very limited with most email services. RSA keys are also supported and are still more widely accepted. As an example, the following openssl commands are used to generate RSA public and private keys for the a domain you choose with a selector you choose. The files can be stored in any directory such as ~/kumomta/keys/, but the default is /opt/kumomta/etc/dkim/.

Replace the domain and selector with your own, then generate signing keys with:

$ export DOMAIN=<your_domain>
$ export SELECTOR=<your_selector>
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/kumomta/etc/dkim/$DOMAIN
$ sudo openssl genrsa -f4 -out /opt/kumomta/etc/dkim/$DOMAIN/$SELECTOR.key 1024
$ sudo openssl rsa -in /opt/kumomta/etc/dkim/$DOMAIN/$SELECTOR.key \
    -outform PEM -pubout -out /opt/kumomta/etc/dkim/$DOMAIN/$
$ sudo chown kumod:kumod /opt/kumomta/etc/dkim/$DOMAIN -R

Any DKIM verification implementations must support key sizes of 512, 768, 1024, 1536, and 2048 bits. A signer may choose to sign messages using any of these sizes and may use a different size for different selectors. Larger key sizes provide greater security but impose higher CPU costs during message signing and verification. It is not recommended to use a key size lower than 1024 unless absolutely necessary. Note that Google requires senders to sign with a 1024 bit or greater key size.

The resulting RSA public key should look similar to:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Once the public and private keys have been generated, create a DNS text record for <SELECTOR>._domainkey.<DOMAIN> (IE: The DNS record contains several DKIM "tag=value" pairs and should be similiar to the record shown below:

for RSA256: 86400 IN TXT
"v=DKIM1; k=rsa; h=sha256; p=MIbBa...DaQAB"

DKIM DNS text record tags are defined below. Do not include the quotes below when including a tag value in the DNS text record.

  • v= DKIM key record version. The value of this tag must be set to "DKIM1".

  • k= Key type. This tag defines the syntax and semantics of the p= tag value. Currently, this tag should have the value "rsa" or "ed25519" as appropriate.

  • h= Hash algorithm. Currently, this tag should have the value "sha1" or "sha256" if using RSA.

  • t= Flags. The only value currently defined is "y". If specified, this tag indicates the signing domain is testing DKIM.

  • p= DKIM public key value* generated as described above.

  • s= Service Type. If specified, this tag should be set to "*" or "email" which represents all service types or the email service type. Currently, "email" is the only service using this key.

  • n= Notes. If specified, the value of this tag is quoted-printable text used as a note to anyone reading the DNS text record. The tag is not interpreted by DKIM verification and should be used sparingly because of space limitations of the DNS text record.

Using the dkim_sign.lua Policy Helper

To simplify DKIM configuration using a TOML configuration file, you can use the dkim_sign.lua policy helper.

The policy helper is configured to look for keys under the default path of /opt/kumomta/etc/dkim/DOMAIN/SELECTOR.key but can be overridden on a per-domain basis if needed.

To use the policy helper, add the following to your default policy:

local dkim_sign = require 'policy-extras.dkim_sign'
local dkim_signer = dkim_sign:setup { '/opt/kumomta/etc/dkim_data.toml' }

kumo.on('smtp_server_message_received', function(msg)

kumo.on('http_message_generated', function(msg)

The preceding policy example sets up the dkim_sign helper and adds calls for signing to the events that fire for message arrival. The call to the dkim_signer function much be placed last in the events to ensure that no further manipulation of the messages occur after signing.

In addition create and populate the configured dkim_data.toml file, located at /opt/kumomta/etc/dkim_data.toml in this example.

# If these are present, we'll use hashicorp vault instead
# of reading from disk
vault_mount = "secret"
vault_path_prefix = "dkim/"

# To do double or triple signing, add each additional
# signature name to this list and see the `signature."MyESPName"`
# block below
additional_signatures = ["MyESPName"]

# Default selector to assume if the domain/signature block
# doesn't specify one
selector = "dkim1024"

# The default set of headers to sign if otherwise unspecified
# This reccommended set comes from section 5.4.1 of RFC 6376
# See
headers = [
  "From", "Reply-To", "Subject", "Date", "To", "Cc",
  "Resent-Date", "Resent-From", "Resent-To", "Resent-Cc",
  "In-Reply-To", "References", "List-Id", "List-Help",
  "List-Unsubscribe", "List-Subscribe", "List-Post",
  "List-Owner", "List-Archive"

# Automatic oversigning can help prevent certain DKIM replay attacks by asserting
# absence of any additional copies of a given header.
over_sign = true

# Domain blocks match based on the sender domain of the
# incoming message
selector = 'dkim1024'
headers = ["From", "To", "Subject", "Date", "Sender"]
algo = "sha256" # or "ed25519". Omit to use the default of "sha256"

# optional overridden filename.
# Default is "/opt/kumomta/etc/dkim/DOMAIN/SELECTOR.key"
filename = "/full/path/to/key."

# The signature block is independent of the sender domain.
# They are consulted based on the value of `base.additional_signatures`
# above.
# In addition to the same values that are found in the `domain` block,
# the following keys are supported
# Policy is interpreted differently for these
policy = "Always" # Always add this signature
#policy = "OnlyIfMissingDomainBlock" # Use this as a fallback

# specifies the signing domain for this signature block
domain = ""
  "base": {
    // If these are present, we'll use hashicorp vault instead
    // of reading from disk
    "vault_mount": "secret",
    "vault_path_prefix": "dkim/",
    // To do double or triple signing, add each additional
    // signature name to this list and see the `signature."MyESPName"`
    // block below
    "additional_signatures": [
    // Default selector to assume if the domain/signature block
    // doesn't specify one
    "selector": "dkim1024",
    // The default set of headers to sign if otherwise unspecified
    // This reccommended set comes from section 5.4.1 of RFC 6376
    // See
    "headers": [
    // Automatic oversigning can help prevent certain DKIM replay attacks by asserting
    // absence of any additional copies of a given header.
    "over_sign": true,
  "domain": {
    // Domain blocks match based on the sender domain of the
    // incoming message
    "": {
      "selector": "dkim1024",
      "headers": [
      "algo": "sha256",
      // optional overridden filename.
      // Default is "/opt/kumomta/etc/dkim/DOMAIN/SELECTOR.key"
      "filename": "/full/path/to/key.",
  "signature": {
    // The signature block is independent of the sender domain.
    // They are consulted based on the value of `base.additional_signatures`
    // above.
    // In addition to the same values that are found in the `domain` block,
    // the following keys are supported
    "MyESPName": {
      // Policy is interpreted differently for these
      "policy": "Always",
      // #policy = "OnlyIfMissingDomainBlock" # Use this as a fallback
      // specifies the signing domain for this signature block
      "domain": "",

Implementing DKIM Signing using Lua

Configure KumoMTA to sign emails passing through the MTA with DKIM signatures. This is done with Lua in policy. The sample init.lua policy provided with KumoMTA declairs a basic working DKIM signer that you can copy and modify as needed. This signs a message with RSA256 using a selector named default on headers From, To, and Subject using the DKIM key located at example-private-dkim-key.pem. (More documentation)

local signer = kumo.dkim.rsa_sha256_signer {
  domain = msg:from_header().domain,
  selector = 'default',
  headers = { 'From', 'To', 'Subject' },
  file_name = 'example-private-dkim-key.pem',

Where you want to enable dkim signing, simply call that signer in policy.

IE: msg:dkim_sign(signer)