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Unreleased Changes in The Mainline

Breaking Changes

Other Changes and Enhancements

  • Queue and Egress configs can now be set to work in a mode where they refresh when the underlying configuration files have changed, rather than always reloading on a schedule. This makes a difference for sites with many queues. This mode is used for the shaping and queue helpers.

  • Improved performance of /metrics and /metrics.json endpoint generation; these endpoints now stream data rather than buffering and sending to the client. This makes a big difference for systems with over 1 million queues.

  • kcli top and kcli queue-summary now use streaming mertrics parsers to improve latency with systems with over 1 million queues.

  • HTTP clients can now opt-in to compressed responses by setting their Accept-Encoding header. We support gzip and deflate compression. Compression is set to Fastest rather than Best, which produces good results without costing too much CPU or request latency. We do not support compressed bodies at this time.

  • Optimized per-message overheads in the scheduled queue, reduced the memory utilization by 112 bytes per message.

  • Changed the default queue strategy to SingletonTimerWheel.

  • kcli trace-smtp-client and kcli trace-smtp-server both have some new options: --terse to make it easier to get the sense of the flow of messages without seeing all of the message body data, --only-new to trace only sessions for which the tracer client has observed the session opening, and --only-one to trace just a single session.

  • The HTTP injection API now supports an optional deferred_spool parameter that allows deferring writing the message(s) spool for a given send attempt, deferred_generation for quickly accepting a batch for asynchronous generation, and you can control a rate limit for ingress using kumo.set_httpinject_recipient_rate_limit.

  • We now randomize the set of hosts within a given MX preference level when computing the connection plan for an individual session. This helps to probablistically load balance across the advertised hosts for the destination.


  • kcli trace-smtp-client and kcli trace-smtp-server would always report 0ns for sessions for which we had not observed the session opening. Now we will assume a start time time of the first record observed for a session, so that some sense of relative time can be gleaned from the trace output.

  • When using the dkim helper and splitting the configuration across multiple files, a missing domain or base configuration section in any individual file would raise a validation error.