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Unreleased Changes in The Mainline

Breaking Changes

Other Changes and Enhancements

  • DKIM signer TTLs can be now be expressed using duration strings like "5 mins". Previously you could only use the integer number of seconds.
  • debian packages will now unmask kumod and tsa-daemon services as part of post installation. Thanks to @cai-n! #331
  • memoize now has an optional invalidate_with_epoch parameter that allows you to opt a specific cache into epoch-based invalidation.
  • DKIM signer has a separate supplemental cache for the parsed key data, which helps to reduce latency for deployments where the same key data is shared between multiple signing domains.
  • New msg:shrink() and msg:shrink_data() methods.
  • Added various python compatibility functions to the minijinja template engine. See the pycompat docs for a list of the additional functions.
  • New kumo.string.eval_template function for expanding minijinja template strings.
  • New low_memory_reduction_policy, no_memory_reduction_policy and options give advanced control over memory vs. spool IO trade-offs when available is memory low.
  • New shrink_policy option to give advanced control over memory vs. spool IO trade-offs when messages are delayed.


  • When using kumo.dkim.set_signing_threads, some extraneous unused threads would be created.
  • Using a display name with commas in the builder mode of the HTTP injection API would produce an invalid mailbox header.